tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2012

Nordic User Group Oracle ACE Tour

October and Nordic User Group Oracle ACE Tour.
Selected ACE Directors (Carl Dudley, Tanel Poder, Alex Nujiten, Mark Rittman, Sten Vesterli) will travel to Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland to present to the user group audience. In Finland we will also have our own ACE Director Julian Dontcheff telling us about the new Oracle 12c! You still have time to join us....www.ougf.fi. Finland is October 26th.


Here we are, October. Just got back from the OOW2012 in San Francisco. 10 hours time difference...

I think this OOW was the best so far. Can not wait to see if next year is even better!

The week was really busy. Started every morning at 7.30 and finish late in the evening (no wonder I am so tired!). I had great meetings with lots of people (including Mark Hurd), I co-hosted the International pavillion in Moscone West, I attended some presentations, I had two dinners every evening and once again I did not have the chance to see San Francisco. The usual OOW:)
A special thanks to the ACE program! We had a great dinner at a fancy yacht club. And a special thanks to Julian Dontcheff who took me to the VIP in Treasure Island! And of course to the user group people who always do their best to make our events perfect.

But what made this OOW special was that I was also presenting. At OOW2008 I was presenting but decided not to do it again because the week is too busy already. I am glad I forgot that decision:) I enjoyed presenting so much! The room was packed! And the audience was just fantastic: they asked so many questions! And I believe that Oracle was also happy with me because I was promised a bigger room next year:) Alright, I missed a Q&A with Larry and free drinks from Oracle Finland because that all happened at the same time with my presentation but who cares: I enjoyed presenting so much I would not have changed it for anything! Oh, BTW I was talking about database design with Data Modeler....my favourite topic...

Scotland, UKOUG

Still June and still busy. Heading to Edinburg, Scotland and the UKOUG conference.
You can not imagine my feelings when after the firealarm etc I start my presentation and the room is so full that some of the people are sitting on the floor! One could say the room was full:) And I was talking about the importance of database design. I hope I convinced many of them...

UKOUG, please invite me again to Scotland!

Database design with Data Modeler together with Ari Hovi

June was busy. I started it with teaching database design with Data Modeler together with THE famous Ari Hovi. Working with Ari was just great! And I think our students learnt a lot in those two days.

After this course I made a trip to Tampere to teach a room full of people how to use Data Modeler.

Three days of pure database design and Data Modeler. I was exhausted but really happy that so many people are interested in database design. Unpacking and packing again...

OUG Harmony 2012

May and OUG Harmony. First in Aulanko, Finland (May 30-31) and the in Riga, Latvia (June 1). I do not usually speak in my "own" conference but this time I was asked to tell about Data Modeler in Finnish. And I enjoyed it a lot! Usually my presentations are in English but this year I have been speaking Finnish quite a lot: I have presented at Oracle events (for customers and for partners), I have given some courses and finally presented at the Harmony. New page on my book just turned...

OUG Harmony was great! Aulanko is so beautiful, presentations great and food and drinks just amazing. And we had our own band playing at the night club. We may call it the "OUGF band" because we really saved the band. They just lost their bass player (he plays keyboards, very confusing, so bass keybords I guess) and we (the OUGF) found them a new bass player just perfectly for the Harmony. User groups can do anything:)

Next Harmony to come: April 16th, 2013....


April and the traditional MOW. Legoland, crazy Danes,... you know what I mean if you know Mogens...and if you do not, I think you should attend MOW2013....

MOW stands for Miracle Open World and it all happens in the exotic country called Denmark. The conference has been in Legoland for some years now and housing is in Lalandia (waterpark). I think you got the picture now:)

I was presenting at the conference and telling how you can benefit from Data Modeler when designing your databases. You design them don't you?

Not just techie

I am not "just" techie. I also run a company called Miracle Finland Oy. It is a company focused on data and managing data. I am so proud of our company!

I have been studing at Haaga-Helia and Aalto Uni to learn how to grow a company. I graduated last June and learnt so much! And the company is growing...which means that I am even busier:)

RMOUG Training Days 2012

February. Denver and the Rocky Mountains. My first visit at the RMOUG Training Days. I had two presentation in that fantastic conference. I just loved it! I had my two sons (Patrik and Matias) as my assistants and they sure tackled all the technical difficulties one possibly could face during a presentation. The feedback was great and I can not wait to be back! Just submitted new papers for RMOUG Training Days 2013....

IOUC Summit 2012

Yep, on January 2012 I attended the IOUC (International Oracle User Groups Community) Summit at the Oracle HQ again as the representative/ambassador of EOUC (EMEA Oracle User Groups Community). Good meeting with great people. Next IOUC Summit will be held January 2013. It will be a great meeting, I am sure!

Long time no seen

Woops. I see it's been long time since my last post. I have been busy, must admit. I have not been travelling as much as before but I have been working on Data Modeler very hard and I have learned to like the tool! I will post you some memories from events from January since today and maybe then I will post something about Data Modeler. Who knows....